Saturday, November 10, 2012


Those of you who do not know me well, or even at all. I would like to thank you for reading this, and listening to my story. 

I am in the pursuit of becoming a nurse. Right now, I have not applied to a program, and do not know if I will become a nurse through the BIOLA, my univeristy. I hope to God I do, and am doing everything in my power to become a nurse. 

I have realized that modt love movies are about things romantic; poets, writers, aspiring actresses, architects, etc. I was thinking about it today, and realized I cannot recall a love story about a nurse. 

I began thinking maybe it's because there's nothing "romantic" about being a nurse. I wouldn't classify eating a lunch of popcorn and diet coke whilst poring over the different structures of proteins, what I'm currently doing, necessarily "romantic" by definition. 

However, the more I thought about it, nursing is incredibly romantic. Not the type of romance like Jack and Rose, or Gatsby or Daisy, or even Elizabeth and Darcy. 

It is the romance of helping people at their most vulenerable. It is the consistency and stability that I love about nursing. It's about the marriage of being a humanitarian and a scientist. 

The quote that makes poring over proteins, and ingesting diet coke and popcorn as a meal for the third time this week more bearable is by Florence Nightingale: 

Nursing is an art;
and if it is to be made an art,
it requires as exclusive a devotion,
as hard a preparation,
as any painter's or sculptor's work;

for what is the having to do with
dead canvas or cold marble,
compared with having to do with the
living body - the temple of God's spirit?

It is one of the Fine Arts;
I had almost said
the finest of the Fine Arts

- Florence Nightingale