I am like a five year old. I L-O-V-E Disney, fairytales, and glitter. Lots of glitter. ;) And when I say I love Disneyland, it's like this. I bought my pass on a Friday, and went that Friday, Sunday, and that Tuesday. Heck, I had already paid for my pass within a week. ;)
So naturally, I have my copy of Grimm's and watch ABC's 'Once Upon a Time.' If you don't watch it, the first season is on Netflix, and it is fantastic. In last night's episode, Captain Hook said something that caught my attention, "A man unwilling to fight for what he wants, deserves what he gets."
Okay, time for the Jesus card. Today in Old Testament, my professor was talking about how God has a plan, and He's going to do everything He wants in it. It's usually in different ways than we expect, but it gets done. Sometimes when God puts mountains to climb in front of us, we run. Sometimes when God wants to bless us with a friendship, or a relationship, or a new job; it's scary and we run.
It is only ourselves who we are hurting when this happens. God's going to do what He wants to, but we may miss out on lessons and blessings. And sometimes God's mountain in front of us is just for us to wait. To wait, and to pray. To pray for God's will, and our peace with whatever that is.
Wait & Pray.
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