I noticed something that I haven't seen before. I always thought of Moses kinda as this mighty guy plowing through the desert for many years, and had this gnarly beard, super weathered and tan by the heat, and kinda this Einstein hair do going on.
But I just went through Exodus 6 and saw Moses as a younger man, okay 83 but still young-ish ;), and he's kinda a hot mess. God showed up to this kid in a burning bush and totally commanded Him to free the Hebrews, and Moses saw all these signs that the Lord was powerful and mighty; God gave Moses leprosy, and took it away. The burning bush did not phsyically burn itself, on and on. And Moses is commissioned to go on behalf of the Lord, but in 6:12, 30 Moses says the same thing "Behold, I am of uncircumcised lips. How will Pharaoh listen to me?"
Okay, there's a few things to unpack here. First, Moses was uncircumcised. In Genesis, the Lord made a covenant with Abraham saying to circumcise the males on the eighth day, so as to show they belonged to the Lord. Now, we know Moses was brought up by the Pharaoh and he wasn't sent off until about three months old (Ex. 2:2) and he wasn't circumcised. He was already in hiding, so it may be his parents were not practicing Jews, or they were partially practicing, or they just didn't want to draw attention to themselves. Anyways, God used someone uncircumcised, which was a big deal back in the day. Also, Moses has the confidence of a jr. high girl when he's flipping 83 years old. Lastly, he is arguing with the Lord of Lords about going.
So onwards and upwards to application:
-Moses was a hot mess, who had some serious self-doubts and worries.
-Moses didn't necessarily have the traditional "qualifications" that other Hebrew people had.
-Moses had a sketchy criminal record (Ex 2:11-12)
-Moses found answers to his self doubt in the Lord (Ex 7:1-8)
Now, looking at the track record. Moses had it just about as together as I do, which is not much. But the Lord threw away the conventionality of what people may think of a servant of the Lord as, and used someone who was willing, hesitant, but willing. God could have done it Himself and just used Pegasus to arilift the children of Israel to the promised land, or He could have used angels who wouldn't have wrestled with God, but God used hot mess, stuttering, unconfident Moses.
There's a Christian cliche of "God does not call the equipped, He equips the called." But the more and more I dig into the Bible, I realize that these heroes of the faith were just as jacked-up, pock-marked, and messed up as I am. They had their self-doubts, their worries, whatever junk was in their trunk, but they were willing.
I know God has a plan for me, and I'm trying to prepare my heart so if He calls me beyond my comfort zone, I am ready to respond.
And then Moses threw the tablets to the ground. No really, he did (Ex. 32:19) ;)
Watch below if you don't get the joke. :)
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