Sunday, July 15, 2012

It's All About Jesus

I've checked out this awesome church, Mars Hill, off and on for the past few months. The pastor speaks radical, undiluted biblical truth and is incredibly encouraging. While I haven't taken the plunge and called this church "home," I find encouragement for the teachings, and the people when I do visit. I mention this, because the church's "motto" or main focus is "It's all about Jesus."

As a Christian, or even as an athiest looking in, one would think "Duh. It's a church, of course it's about Jesus."

But I am slowly realizing Jesus is freakin' everything.

He is the good doctor who heals.
He is the love I need.
He is patient and kind.
He is a friend to the friendless.
He is a bulwark, sturdy and comforting.
He is everything.

He is needed in a marriage. A marriage represents Christ's relationship with the church.
He is needed in medicine. He is the good doctor who created our intricate bodies.
He is a soujourner to people who are hurting, having been betrayed.

I have been raised in a Christian home, church and now attend BIOLA University. However, I have at times become weary in my faith, and weary in heart. At time, I have even become apathetic really thinking if this whole faith thing is a joke. I say this in complete honesty.

Then I realize, without Jesus, I have nothing.
When I skip a Bible reading or two, I notice it right away.
He gives me patience and kindness (admittidely, not as much as I should have.)
He listens and gives me words of advice and comfort.

I have mused on the old (and overplayed song) where the lyrics go as the following:

When the music fades
And all is stripped away
And I simply come
Longing just to bring
Something that's of worth
That will bless your heart
I'm coming back to the heart of worship

I am really re-realizing it truly is all about Jesus, and should my heart and flesh fail, God is my portion forever. I have m identity in Christ.

I have been apathetic and weary, but I am trying to push myself back to Christ into His marvelous light into His love that is deep, the love that is wide, the love that covers me.

Because after all, it is all about Jesus.

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