Wednesday, July 25, 2012


It seems like people always are asking me something with what heading up a sentence.
"You recently graduated, what do you want to do?"
"What are you doing for college?"
"What's your major? What do you want to do with that?"
"What do you do for work?"
You get the picture.

Something something I was thinking of recently was when all is said and done, what do I want from life?

The answer may be cliche; but in its simplest, purest, and most primitive state, I want to be loved and to have loved.

Not just the mushy gushy love we see on Valentine's Day cards for one another (however one day I do want that. ;))

I mean different types of love. Francis Chan put it best when he said, "Do you know that nothing you do in this life will ever matter, unless it is about loving God and loving the people he has made?” 

I want the passionate radical love between me and my Creator, Savior, Lover of my Soul, Jesus Christ.

I want a love between me and a man as servants to Jesus Christ, then to each other to grow and do life together. 

I want a family's love supporting me and I them. To help, to encourage, to build. 

I want a community and to enrich its growth. 

This all may seem very "romantic" to some, very basic to others, and just dumb to the rest. 

But I ask you, if everything were stripped away, what would you wish you had done differently? I don't think I would have wished I sent that tweet, or instagrammed one last picture. Yes, you've probably all heard something along the lines of this before. Twitter, Facebook, etc. in themselves are not bad, the problem is when we allow them to consume us, they become simply, parasites. 

I do not have "grand plans" for my life that many others to, I do not aspire to become famous, I have no real "great talent." But I have the desire to love. 

I want to make a small impact, or a large impact; be it a smile, or a CPR rescue, I want to love my God and His people. It won't be easy, but now I have a goal, ambiguous as it may be, I am one step closer to reaching it. 

1 comment:

  1. Love will you get you far in this life. But don't just give it away to anyone you think might deserve it. Though it is easy to be forgiving and gracious to those you love, if you want to let anyone into your life past the surface, make sure they earn it. No one is worth keeping in your life who does not make it known to you that you are irreplaceable. The best way to make an impact is to pour your soul into those who are closest to you that you can trust. Christ loved everyone, but only had 12 disciples; if you only had that many friends with whom to spend your life and truly make a visible impact, would that be enough? Would you trust them enough to carry on your legacy? :)
