Greed, Lust, Envy, Sloth, Wrath, Gluttony & Pride.
These are a few of my favorite things. NOT.
The 7 Deadly Sins have been coming up in my life more & more frequently. I did my 1st Semester art final on them, they popped up in America's Next Top Model, and I've recently listened to a study about them. I think God's trying to flag my attention. ;)
These 7 Deadly Sins are not based on a specific scripture, but all fall within biblical living. I fell in love with the series from Calvary Chapel Montebello by Bianca Juarez, it's stinking awesome. It is, in a word-edifying.
The one that caught my attention was Pride. When I put it on, I though 'Oh this will be a nice study, I don't have a problem with pride.' [Red flag #1] Instead of going through the more 'stereotypical' pride of Satan's fall, we learned about Samson. This man was consecrated by God, and thought he was untouchable. In the end he died blind, a slave, in mockery, but the Lord still loved him.
I began to apply this in my life. I am a perfectionist [red flag #2], I don't know if it's 'Oldest Child Syndrome' where I am expected to be the "model" and the "leader." Or if it's self-inflicted neuroticism. In my schooling, I strove for perfect grades, which isn't a bad thing, but my head slowly began to get bigger as I gained more knowledge [red flag #3.] I noticed I began to notice I was ALWAYS right (which half the time I wasn't) [red flag #4.]
One day Jimminy Cricket told me "Hey Amanda, you've got a pride problem!" No duh.
The 7 Deadly Sin I struggle with the most is pride. I'm learning to fight it and give it to the Lord. What's yours?