Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Words of a Procrastinator

I take pride in being an AP student. I consider it Advanced Procrastination, not Advanced Placement. It's an ability to complete work in a shorter jam than most people. Not always the best idea, but it gets done. This year has been survival mode: it's been one textbook, one novel, one paper, one page at a time.

As a closing assignment to my year, my English teacher assigned us an essay about what we want to do with our lives career-wise. Included are identifying careers, describing it/them, and listing requirements to attain said career(s).

In my household, college has never been "if", it's always been "where." Now suddenly, within a blink of an eye, it will be here. I feel like the Pampers motto should be playing in the background innocently saying "I'm a big kid now!" The stress is beginning to take a little tighter hold of me, as I deliberate between what I want to do. Sometimes I just want to major in English, sometimes I want to major in Biology, other times I want something totally random, such as Musical Theory, or Shakespeare. What do I do? Where do I go?

Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path straight."

As a "calvary chapel kid" this verse has unfortunately become almost cliche. Before you throw the rocks in your hands, let me say that the verse is starting to click in my puny little brain. It took leading the song as a Children's Ministry worship leader to make me get it. For years, it would rattle off my tonuge, another mantra in Christianese, but now, after meditation, I am realizing what an amazing and fulfilling promise this is.

Yes, I have an aspiration to be a PA (Physician's Assistant). I'd love to take it to the mission field, and heal people physcially as well as spiritually. But if the Lord so chooses to have me be a Shakespeare major, so be it. He will direct my course. If He so chooses for me to study Biology, so be it. He will direct my couse. If He so chooses for me to play piano at Disneyland for the rest of my life, so be it. He will direct my course.

I've seen many Christians love the Lord, but not follow Him in and trust Him in their career lives, and I've seen them become less joyful because of it. With everything I do, I'm trusting the Lord (or attempting to do so.) I'm a MAJOR work-in-progress. But one thing this year at school taught me was one thing at a time. One devotion at a time, one prayer at a time...

And He WILL direct my path.

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