Monday, June 7, 2010


I tried for a long time to avoid cliches in my writing, my life, the way I speak.

Then, it made sense. Yes although cliches are "cliche," they speak an ammount of truth. I don't try to use them superfluously, but in moderation.

I bring this up, because this post may seem "cliche" to some. To other it may seem "hyper-spiritual," my main aspirations it to keep it real, to speak the truth with love.

Today, I was talking to a person I look up to. He's my teacher, but we have an easy relationship, and I can address him as a peer, I was telling him I found my style this year.

For starters, this school year has been intense, insane, challenging, breaking, enlightening, etc. I have learned so much, have lost friends, have gained friends, have received new privileges, have been given new resbonsibilities so on and so forth. In short, it was a season of new.

This year I gained something. I really "found myself" this year. No, I didn't purchase a corvette, no I didn't go on a world-wide rendevous, no I didn't get married on a whim. But rather, throughout the"new," I found my style.

I found my style in writing for English. I found my style in painting for art. I have become an even better thrift shopper. I have really let go of pretensions, and allowed myself to become me.

Even better than the writing, the painting, and the shopping was I really found my identity.

And I found it in Christ.

"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." - Ephesians 2:10

I'm a total nerd and ldig this, the word for workmanship is "ποίημα" (poiēma), which literally translates into "poem".

God uses us for good works. He uses the haikus, the epics, and everything in between.

Throughout the year, he has worked me into a poem for him, and in that identity I am satisfied.

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