So I'm in an English class where we get to annihilate literature. literally pull it piece by piece, stanza by stanza, word by word. And I love it In doing this, there are certain patterns we see; such as metaphor, simile.
One of my favorites, is paradox. Simply, it is a truth that at first seems like a contradiction.
i.e. "Stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage." In reality, these ingredients DO make the latter, but the author is talking about something deeper, how the prison of the mind is more suppressing than stone and iron at times.
With this, I have found a great number of paradoxes in my life. The colloquial, or slang, would probably describe me as a hot mess! :)
For realsies, I'll be-bop between reading Austen&Dr Seuss, my mind goes a million miles a minute, I sometimes unconsciously make faces while conversing with myself mentally, you get the picture.
I used to be, well almost bashful of my, well, um, er... eccentric nature. Most people seemed to have it all together, and so calm but I felt like, well like a spastic little being.
But, the beauty is, I'm learning to love me as Christ made me. Psalm 119 tells me that I am wonderfully and fearfully made, goofy faces and all! I feel like a dork talking about how God made me special, but it became so easy to second guess myself.
In the Prince of Egypt, my by-far favorite part is the song "Look through Heaven's Eyes", it's where Jethroh takes insecure Moses and talks about viewing himself through heaven's eyes.
The paradox is not in me. It is me.
That the little crazy girl has a beautiful purpose and making.
What are some paradoxes in your life? Are you a paradox?