Saturday, July 23, 2011


I have always had a great memory. Which is usually a helpful thing, but sometimes, it is an extremely hindering thing. I've never been able to "forgive and forget." Heck, it's sometimes a challenge for me to even "forgive." Usually, when I forgive someone, a few days later an urge to hold on to a grudge surfaces. I have to remind myself, "Wait, it's been forgiven. Move on." And I do, but it's definetely a conscious effort, and it's something I honestly struggle with.

People have been asking me about Russia. Laurin, the missionary gave us questions to help us evaluate the trip, and really make us think about what we learned. One question was regarding areas the Lord had been making you grow in. Forgiveness was one of them.

We had devotions about forgiveness, the team had to practice forgiveness, a sermon at church was on forgiveness. And we were preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is entirely about God forgiving us.

"And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors." Matthew 6:12

Forgive, Move on, and Carry On.

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