Saturday, May 22, 2010

Oh me, Oh my

Wednesday Night. It hit me like a ton of bricks... You know when the pastor says something, and you can almost feel the spanking, and it suddenly gets a little toasty?


The much needed, but not-so-much-fun to get aspect of Christianity. The quote de jour that proverbally spanked me was from Charles Surgeon, "When we worry, we put faith in the Devil."

BOOM! Did you feel it?

For those of you who may not know me, or may not know me very well, I'm a control freak. I like consistency, I like to know point A, point B, and point C. As a younger chilld, I used to get myself worked up in a "what if..." frenzies, on a few occasions crying about fictitious events that may or may not happen. I've been told I'm a bit of a perfectionist (up for debate). You get the gist.

Present Day: Take an overachieving girl, 3 AP classes, Children's Ministry, and everyday life, and you pretty much inately receive stress. The knots currently in my back will attest to this.
Hearing my pastor say that into my ears, and hearing God Almighty say that to my heart really spoke to me.

Yes I worry, sometimes about incessent and ludicrous things. I stress about so many stupid minute details and try to figure out the Lord's will for me. So many times, I try to pull a Gideon. There have been times where I wish I could shake my bible like a magic 8 ball for the Divine Answer.

Rapture Ruckus, a really legit New Zealand band came to the college&career group last Sunday, before this quote was spoken. One of their songs spoke magnitude to me, the chorus was just talking about "hanging on" hanging on to the promises the Lord gives us.
I am now running after Jesus, giving Him my burdens of worry and stress, while clinging to the promises.

Sometimes it would be nice to see what the Lord has for me, but what I truly believe He wants from me is to take it day by day. To cling to the verses He has showed me, to delight in the blessings, to walk in plans (even if it's not my plan), and to Delight myself in Him, above all else.

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