Monday, May 31, 2010


The other day I went on a run, a normal run I go on a few times a week throughout my city, and this run I happened to see a political table on a campaign I agree with. 3 miles into my run, a little sweaty, and pretty young, the ladies behind said table were talking to other voters, but neither shot me a smile, or a glance. When I grabbed a flier and mentioned I was interested, the lady shot me a look as to say "Okay, continue on, you're sweaty." But gave me a nod and I was off.

Within the 30 seconds of attention, or rather lack thereof, I had been absolutley turned off. Yes, I still agreed with the platform, but had I been a tentative voter, I would have ran to the other side.

The following verse flashed into my mind, "We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us" - 2 Corinthians 5:20

Proverbially, these women were ambassadors to their political embassy, and within 30 seconds, their attitudes dashed a young voter.

We ARE Christ's ambassadors, how many times do people only see a snippet of our 30 second witness and are completely swayed away from Christ's platform of justice, grace, and love? I am a totally guilty of this, and although we will never attain perfection on earth, it gives us a goal to strive for. A goal to love, to allow people to look at a snapshot of my life, and to see the love of Jesus resounding through it.

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