The winds of change come more often that all of us expect.
I was the kid in math who always asked "Will I ever use this in real life?"
Well, I've still used absolutely none of the theorems, but I have used the Greek geometry taught me...my tutor taught me rise over run was the change of x over the change of y. The shorthand he showed me was DELTA- a Greek letter that was used in calculus for change.
It very soon became my shorthand for change whenever I took notes. Thinking upon it today, I noticed the symbol is in the shape of a triangle. Being the over-analyzer I am, I immediately thought of the Trinity. Three sides all making up a triangle- just in different ways and places.
It's ironic how the sign for change, is so similar to the characteristics of the Trinity. It's absolutely how much can change. I have the notion that God changes things, creates things, for His divine purpose.
Within the past few months, my life has changed a lot. I have gained much, and lost some. It is going to happen. But one thing holds my mind ever fast
'But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him”' -1 Corinthians 2:9
I know no matter how much change may come, I have a divine purpose for my life. And no matter how differently I think things may be, God ultimately has a higher purpose and design for me. And coming to the realization that Christ has something better for you can be the most freeing thing. =)
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