Exhibit A: Sweet Tamales. Last year I made tamales for the first time. I never expected masa (ground corn) mixed with raisins, brown sugar and cranberries to taste so heavenly. I kinda expected to taste like a very confused barbeque.
Now throw this into the mix of daily life. Has something ever happened where you're beating yourself up for something you messed up?
God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise 1 Corinthians 1:27 (ESV)
Story of my life.
The other day, a friend divulged a story to me about how she was confused with a friendship in her life, and I literally went through the same thing roughly a year ago. It blew my mind, because I always thought I was an idiot with the way I handled things. It was amazing, because we were able to compare situations, I was able to tell her how God used it in my life, and gave her advice on what to do.
I didn't feel like such a knuckle head afterwards. It was the unexpected ingredient in the recipe. I thought I was still going to feel dumb.
Yes, the wisest person learns from other people's experiences, but we're all going to screw up due to our earrthly state. The cool thing is God uses that for his glory.

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