Some people call me dramatic.
Because I make pout faces over a hiccup.
Because I'm over-apologetic.
Because my blood pressure goes up everytime I have a big project/test.
Because if I trip, spill anything, or hurt myself I mumble in my own made-up words. People probably think I'm a schizo.
There are some days where I'd be glad to crawl in a hole and wake up in Heaven. (Kinda dramatic, whatever.)
Heaven has become extremely appealing to me within the last year or so. Believe me, it was before, but now it captivates me. It entices my very prescence.
In Heaven, there will be food-without calories, sunshine coming from Jesus, gardens (I imagine, because God created life in a garden), clear water, peace, love, contentment.
I can't wait to go to Heaven and kick-it with Jesus. I literally want to sit down under a tree with iced tea and mana and just talk.
C.S. Lewis describes in the 'Last Battle' his depiction of Heaven. He thinks earth is merely a "shadowland" of the things that await us in Christ's kingdom. His chararacters recognize their land when they die, but they describe everything as being much more vibrant, having no physical limitations, and only being able to feel joy.
"But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience." -Romans 8:25
I'm excited to get rid of this shadow. =)
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