Saturday, July 24, 2010

Utterly Confuzzled

Confuzzled: To be confused and puzzled. Amanda's edition to Webster's Dictionary 2010.

This is the way I feel when I think of dove beauty products.

As an ex-hair straightener junkie, I've learned to embrace my natural curly locks, and rock them (if I say so myself.) I've become a part of the "all natural" movement, where little make-up is worn and natural beauty, as well as inner beautyis true beatuy.

I love the Dove Natural Beauty Campaign, don't get me wrong. I adore seeing all these little girls who are learning to learn their own frizzy hair, the gap in their teeth, and their freckles.

I adore the evolution video of how an "average" looking woman is transformed into a rockstar babe. SEE HERE:

But as I sit on the couch lavishing in little girls learning to dig their unique features, one of Dove's chocolate commericals come on. A sultry woman seductively posed in silk eating as "Your moment, your Dove' was narrated to me. Intasntly, the whole sensation I was enthralled by 15 seconds before is crashed. Crashed and burned. Crashed and burned to the ground.

Because the two messages clash as vividely as night to day. And it's devastating.

What's more devastating is when this happens with our actions. I'm an epic fail in this too.

For example, the Jews who loved God used to walk 5 miles around Samaria to avoid going through it. Their actions and sayings clashed.

Jesus sat with the Samaritan woman. We too, should commit to what we say and act it out.

Don't be like Dove.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, Dove Chocolate and Dove Beauty Products are completely separate companies that have little to do with each other (other than the fact that they both make "bars" of something and are named after birds). Dove Chocolate is a subsidiary of Mars, which makes M&Ms and Snickers bars while Dove Beauty is part of the Unilever Corporation which markets body care products. But the moral still stands.
