Our culture thrives on "following our hearts", "making our dreams come true", and just about anything else that gives way to pathos and making us "feel good."
The other day I was conversing with a few of my closest friends about emotions, dating, etc.
Opposed to the days we live in, the bible talks about our heart in a different light;
"Above all else, guard your heart, for from it flow the wellsprings of life." Proverbs 3:25
I came up with a cheesy way to remember what our heart tells us that lines us biblically.
When it pumps blood in and out, it makes the sound
Duh-Dumb! Duh-Dumb!
Sorry Disney, I love you dearly, but when it comes to matter of my heart, I am realizing it is an easy decision to do what "feels" right but is really a dumb decision. I am just going to remind myself that my best intensions are nothing compared to God's plans, and to guard my heart.