Tuesday, January 25, 2011


We all have them, we all deal with them. We all have felt that we're not good enough, that we look a certain way, that we're sub-par.

Honetly, I never realized most of my insecurities I had until people pointed them out to me.
Some of these include being overapologetic [Sorry! I'm working on it. ;) ], not being able to take a compliment, etc.

There is a cool book called 'His Princess' that is like a letter from Jesus to a princess. Keep reading guys, it can be applied to you too! There is an amazing entry that deal with insecurities.

It's Titled: My Princess, Walk in My Confidence

"I know the world whispers in your ear what you possess defines
who you are, and what you look like determines your worth.
This is a lie, my love.
The generations to come wil never remember you for the things you accumulate or the efforts you places in your appearance.
In fact, the harder you strive to collect more things and
perfect your image, the more insecure you will be about who
you are and why you are here.
I am in you and you are in Me.
I will give you all that you need. No go and walk through your
world in the confidence that I've uniquely equipped you with
all you need to impact the lives of those around you forever!

Your King and your Confidence."

"For the Lord will be your confidence, and will keep your caught from being caught." Proverbs 3:26

When we rely fully on the Lord, we can be secure in who we are in Him. What are your insecurities? How can the Lord change them and allow you to thrive?

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