Anyways, I went to a wedding tonight, and it was an absolute blessing. Weddings are cool. They're cooler when you know the people. But they are a blessing when you know the couple and their lives in Jesus Christ.

It was so with Timmy&Raelene, they have both been a part of my life and my growth in Christ Jesus. It was so cool because I saw them before, and now during their lives together, and I have seen how they fi
t together like a jigsaw puzzle. A divine jigsaw puzzle.
Sometimes when looking for "Mr Right" or "Mrs Right"
it's like a bunch of jigsaw puzzles laid ou. It's overwhelming, some are obviously not a fit for you, some look like they may be. The best way is to let God be the one who coordinates it all, because when He does, there is a grand picture. And things that seem overwhelming suddenly fit perfectly.
The key is patience.
""The Lord is wonderfully good to those who wait for Him." Lamentations 3:25
Psalm 37:4 "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart."