"Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you." Ephesians 4:32
The way I've seen forgiveness, it is a potpourri of bitterness, betrayal, admittance, and letting go.
Forgivness is one of the hardest things in the world. Especially when it's something deeper than a misunderstanding. It is human nature to have a bubbling, bowl of bitterness brewing in our hearts. It is interesting, you never really comprehend how much even a small tad of bitterness can envelop the entirety of your being, until it is gone. Until it is forgiven.
Sometimes forgiveness is asked for, sometimes it is not. But I think it is truly one of the wonders of the world. Forgiveness can ease a gnarled heart of anger, and sooth it into something mallable.
I'm not a person who likes to fight. Even as a little kid, I hated fighting. I'll banter with you, tease you, but if you hurt me, I will 9 times out of ten not be mad and yell. I'll tuck it away into my heart where, unfortunately it spreads.
I'm not advocating bitterness by any means, I'm saying it's a part of my flesh I hate and am learning about, and learning to rid myself of.
Especially when I read verses like Ephesians 4:32.
It doesn't mean the person you forgave and you have to be BFF's, but it means we are to love that individual as Christ loves us. We are compelled to love, even if we don't always like. It's going to be a life-long lesson, but I'm a learning.
I am forgiven, therefore I must forgive.
How are ways you have been forgiven?
Whom have you forgiven?
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