Because it's my blog, I will post 2 consecutive posts that probably have nothing to do with each other.
My first time out of the country without my parents was with my church's youth groups on a mission to Herborn, Germany when I was 13. I fell in love with the language, the people, and the country. I digged it. I loved everything about it.
Being the homeschooler geek I was, (still the geek today,) I decided to learn this foreign tongue. The day after I got home, I went to Costco with my mom and bought Berlitz's German program. I didn't learn much, but started. I went into High School, and continued German. I found it interesting and stuck with it, eventually making it to AP German.
Today was the first time I've been to a German-speaking country since picking up German. I was thrilled to find I can ask where cough drops are in the market, order food, and small talk with the cab driver.
I never thought all those hours of slaving over prepositions, conjugations, and vocabulary a little everyday would pay off like they did.
The point is, I was consistent everyday. I kept chipping away. I've found consistency is the key in many functions of life. Like getting to know someone requires 'x' ammount of consistency, learning to drive, cook, another language requires a certain amount of consistency. I found out that I wasn't necesarily brilliant at German. There were people just as smart, and smarter people who got lower grades than me because they weren't willing to put in effort, or they were willing to pull an all-nighter before a final instead of spreading out that same time over2 weeks.
I've found inconsistent people fail; it doesn't mean you have to make whatever you're aiming for your life goal, but it means you have to be willing to put in a resonable amount of effort over a certain amount of time.
Breaking through the language barrier has inspired me to map out my time better, and really become more focused over things I really dig, the things I desire to pursue.
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