My 9th grade English teacher explained it as having little "hooks" in your brain. The little hooks were things that connected us to vocabulary words, but also as places, people, things, foods, smells, etc.
I was just recently in Paris, France. The last time I was there I was 12 years old. Today I went to the Eiffel Tower, the one I visited 5 years ago. When I had braces, was obsessed with straightening my hair, just finished growing, and didn't wear make-up.
It was while I was climbing the stairs today I've thought of how different my life is from then; I speak another language, I have been to 2 other continents, I have lost friends while gaining others.
I think the Eiffel Tower will be my symbol of change in my life, it is really the only monument I've ever visited twice and can justly compare my different walks of life.
The antithesis of change however, is consistency. I'm very blessed to say my faith, and family have been consistent; a statement that not so many people can make nowadays.
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