Generally speaking, I'm a decently put-together person. But sometimes I crash. crash and burn, so the other day I cracked. Like totally cracked. Humpty-Dumpty status. The stress of life, school, plans, were overtaking me.
Those days rarey happen to me, but this one hit like a tornado, causing my life to go even more awry.
The next day or so I read something that collected my body and put me back together. It was my superglue.
"For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you have been filled in him, who is the head of all rule and authority." Colossians 2:9-10
Wow. Okay now read that again.
The entire being of the deity dwells within me? Within ME?! And I have been FILLED.
Well let me tell you something, if I would have known that the day I cracked, I would have clapped my hands and everything would have been peachy keen. ;) Hahah just kidding.
But this verse taught me a lot about perspective. Yeah, I know I talk about perspective and balance like all the time. But in my defense, those are two of the most principle fundamentals of art, if you don't have balance you may have a lot of negative space or it may be really busy; and can't have great perspective, your drawing is going to look a little funky. No offense or anything, but it will..
I get so scrambled so easily, I forget that inside me is something sacred. The God of the universe dwells within me, and I can't trust that He will make everything alright. Even if I crack and all the kings horses and all the kings man can't put me back together again, Jesus can.
I love to read your blogs. They are so candid and well put together at the same time. Your words are always encouraging and I love that you use scripture for everything. I have been reading for a few months I think, but I have been so uplifted by what you say.
ReplyDeleteAw praise the Lord girl! I'm so glad you find encouragement in this. God bless!