Application. August. Alliteration.
Wisdom vs. Knowledge. Although these two often coincide, I've learned there is a stark difference between the two.
Knowledge is factual information.
Wisdom is the application of these facts.
This past month, has honestly not been the best. There have been many aspects to this shroud, and without delving into said aspects, I wish to explain and to show the effect.
I've never liked August, I don't like the heat of August, school quietly approaching, plants wilting.
This August has called for application. Which is a lot less fun than it sounds.
I guess you can say I have knowledge. I've always had a knack for memorizing things, facts pop easily into memory.
But wisdom is a is a different matter. This month I discovered the wonderful sensation of applying facts to my life.
A huge part of this is being still.
A man staring into a pool with a ripple will see nothing, but if he waits, the pool will still and he will see himself.
If you don't know me, I'm kinda a guru of multi-tasking, I clean my room while talking on the phone, or listening to a bible study. I paint my nails while watching a movie. At school, I take hard classes.
I feel if I am still, I waste time.
The Lord has been showing me radically otherwise. I am literally forced to wait on him and see what he has. Paul had a smiliar (but much holier) realization of this.
II Corinthians 12:9 “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”
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