Often, when I think of beauty. I think of something complex.
Like Van Gough's starry night (my favorite painting.) Van Gough used oil paints in a painstaking process to layer paint on itself to create textur eand dimesion. (For non-artists, oil paint takes a LONG time to dry! Trust!)
Sometimes I hear really intricate stories of how someone asked someone out to a dance, proposals, elaborate birthday parties, etc.
I took art last year, and it really opened my eyes. I was taught how to break down "complex" items (say a face) and break it down into shapes I'm familiar with - oval, triangle, rectangle, and so on.
This process of breaking down taught me the beauty of simplicity.
Some of my favorites...
The beauty of a friend texting me telling me to have a good day.
The beauty of someone picking a single wildflower for me on a walk.
The beauty of a laugh.
The beauty of sunshine.
The beauty of rain.
The beauty of an apology.
The beauty of old books.
The beauty of love.
The beauty of grace.
Call me corny, (I know I am) but I LOVE it. And while I still love my Van Gough painting, I'm learning to embrace simplicity.
What are the simple things YOU adore?
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